Saturday, December 3, 2011

Wire jewelry

Hello again Blog World.

I have been busy crocheting the "wrapping" for my bangle bracelet, going to doctors appointments and trying to stay WARM. (My desert blood isn't used to this chill!) It's been raining for several days now and will be for several more days. Higher elevations are getting LOTS of snow, so the skiing should be good this year.

I am just going to share some rather lousy pictures of my first few attempts at wire wrapping.
I LOVE the look of wire wrap jewelry, but have been intimidated by it so have never tried it. I just love it though, so I finally broke down and am starting to try to learn how to do it. I started off just looking at others work on the Internet and then I started getting books out of my local library. (They only just started buying them so there are only a few.)
As you can see from the following pictures, I still need LOTS of practice!!! But it is really fun so I will keep doing it. They say "practice makes perfect"...I better get back to practicing right after I type this blog, cause I have a LONG way to go!
I apologize before hand for the horrible quality of the pictures. I took them on my cell phone camera and it isn't good for closeups. I am working on getting a good camera, but I'm not sure exactly when I will have it in my hands and can start using it. I hope soon because I think the photos in a blog are what make the blog. They tell a story that words can't. (I think the story mine are telling must be horror stories!)   ;-)

Okay, here goes...are you ready?

My very first attempt at wire wrapping...a delicate little ring. It's called a knot but I think mine looks almost like a rose. What do you think? (Besides that the photo is seriously yucky? Lol.)

Here is another shot of it.

Okay, on to the second project I made. Another ring, made the same day as the previous one. Not quite so delicate, this one. (Picture are still horrid though. Sorry.)

And another one...

Hang in there...there is just one more project...then I promise you can go rinse your eyes out so they may be able to recover from this horrible photography. 

Here is my first attempt at adding beads to the wire. And its my first bracelet.

And one more photo of the bracelet...
I promise, I will keep practicing (although I can't promise that it will make me better.) I do have faith in this mysterious "they" that says "Practice make Perfect", so maybe there is hope for me yet. (And None will be as glad as I when I finally get my camera and can start showing you all half way decent photos!)

Thanks for hanging out with me once more. Remember, I'm working on the crocheted bracelet and will be posting it (hopefully soon!)

See you again next time.

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