I got this book free through Booksneeze, in return for writing a blog about it and a review of my opinion.
In no way have I been compinsated for writing a GOOD review. An honest opinion is all that was asked for. So here it is......
I have enjoyed this trilogy very much. Naturally it is slightly 'childish' because it is written for youth, but in no way does that detract from the enjoyment I got from it. It was full of action and adventure and its clean (no swearing etc.) and well written.
I found the final book in the C.H.A.O.S. trilogy to be very interesting. The main character is Colt McAlister. He is a teenager who has been 'altered' by alien DNA to try to create a human that that is powerful enough to conquer the Thule, an alien race that is determined to kill all humans and take over Earth.
His grandfather used to by 'The Phantom Flyer' during WWII. His job was to bring hope to the people. Now that we are in a war with the Thule and people are losing hope that we will be able to win this war, The Phantom Flyer is brought back...only this time its Colt, continuing his grandfather's legacy. He isn't thrilled at first to be required to travel around putting on a 'show' to boost peoples moral, when he thinks he would be better off training and fighting Thule, but he soon finds out that he can fight Thule AND put on moral-boosting shows.
Not only does he get to fight the Thule here, he also gets taken to another planet and he fights them there also! And in the end, he 'gets the girl'.What better way is there to end the last book in this trilogy?
I have gotten attached to these characters, so I hope there are more books about them. This book ends in a way that makes it seem like Jon S. Lewis may write another 'trilogy' with these same characters, but he may also have just left it that way so your imagination can fill in their future with a lot more adventure.
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